Its an ads by Buzz and Bloom in Scrapbooking Memories with our pics hihihi!!!!! I'm there -1st row, 4th picture!!! Feels great to be among these very talented ladies!!
Scrappinkid's Monthly challenge on this is now on going... so hurry and create your mini albums with this theme!!! This contest is open to international scrappers too!!! Details can be found here.
Opps!!! There is more happenings at Scrappinkids!!! Tomorrow - Saturday March 25, see you all at the forums! My dear friend Issa will be hosting a tutorial on Pocket Binders plus the DTs has prepared challenges for everyone!!!
I'm not yet done!!! The Fun at Scrappinkids never stops!!! Would also like to take this opportunity to invite everyone for a 14 day Sk fiesta beginning May 1 to the 14th in celebration of NSD!!! And SK is now having the Ultimate Scrapper Season 2. This is open to everyone!!! You can read all the details here. Hope to see you all!!! This is going to be FUN FUN FUN!