Last night, I started with my first LO in my long list of LOs to do.
I made this LO as an entry to Lasting Impressions Piggy Tales Challenge.
Title: Dream
Journaling: My dream has changed since u came into my life...Now, I only dream for u..because of u. As a mother, I dream that someday you'll be able to have a life over-flowing with blessings & grace, a life of peace and serenity, a life of fulfillment, a life every mother wishes for her child. " I promise to be with you every step of the way Harvey. Love you so much -Love, Mommy
Materials Used: DCWV Brown CS,Piggy Tales:Goldilocks & The 3 Bears Goldilockslocks; Peter, Pumpkin eater-Wife & well=kept; Fiber, magic Mesh, Maya road Shee
r alpha,Buttons-Japan Home, Perfect Pearls-Naturals;Pebeo-blue brun & green; Clolr box chestnut roan, diamond glaze, brown pen.

This is my first time to use Maya Road Sheer Alphabet. I got this from Rekindled Moments- a store owned by a very good friend Merry Jane Lim-Go. And I'm very happy with the outcome. I dabbed Perfect Medium over the sheer alphas then brushed it with Perfect pearls blue smoke to color the alphas and to maintain its translucent effect. Then outlined it with Pebeo.