Friday 011609, We had an online crop over at Scrappinkids. This online crop started with Wati's tutorial on Paperbag Minibook. This is so easy to do... you should try this. all you need to do is gat 5 paperbags and a few scrapping materials and you're good to go. Sharing my Brown Paer bag mini book... Since its going to be Valentines day in the next couple of days, ive decided to use some wedding pics on this project.

011709 saturday, I woke up very early because we need to go to harvey's school for the parent teacher meeting. Was a little nervous for this. Nervous to know how harvey is in school and Exam results as well as the report cards will be given today. And guess what... i was one proud mommy that day.. (will be posting a different blog post about this tomorrow). Then, had lunch and went to Harvey's doctor's appointment. We've spent quite sometime waiting for our turn to be called as there were so many patients that day. I guess a lot of kids here are catching colds because of the very cold weather. Then went home so that we can all have a nap.... and of course get online. Then, went out again in the evening to watch a movie. Harvey has been asking us for a movie date for a long time. and since he got very good grades earlier, henry and I gave in. We watched Bedtime Stories which we all did enjoyed! Had late Dinner then went home. Did a little scrapping while everyone was sleeping...
011809 Sunday. Went to church in the morning. Ate lunch at Amici's then went to get some groceries... Took care of the laundry (so tired because of this!!!) and cook dinner. Assist Harvey in his assignments and did a little chating and posting in the internet.
well thats basically my whole weekend.
hi.this is a really nice project of yours,really, it's so beautiful and unique. like you're giving us a wonderful idea for our own weddings in the future.
i likw to know where you buy that metal thing that surrounds the date in the cover page. sorry i dunno what it's called.
hi!!! thanks for the wonderful comment! that metal embellishment isa from WE R MEMORY KEEPERS bought from REKINDLED MOMENTS a scrapbookstore here in manila.
This is oh-so-beautiful... You have turned a plain brown paper bag into a very romantic album. Bliss...
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