Tuesday, February 19, 2008

See What Issa Gave Me!

It was my first time to really interact with Issa during the Christmas party when she became my partner at the exchange gift. It was really nice knowing her - a super down to earth person. Then we became chatmates exhanging just about anything we could ever think off. Then one day, she told me that she's going to give me something... I was so excited about it! Than when we met at Rekindled Moments Store one day, She gave me this....
I was really happy when she handed me this... I liked it so much! Thanks Issa for this beautiful layout. Its really nice that one can find true friends through common passion. I enjoy every single time I chat / talk to you! And thanks for considering me as your friend! HUGS!

1 comment:

michelle said...

this is so pretty! what a great gift.